Everyday God puts people in our lives that are different than us .. they have different .. views .. strengths .. and .. talents .. and friends .. being the perfect .. haha .. people we are .. if we’re not careful .. we’ll be thinking .. because they’re not like us .. they need to be fixed .. and .. we’re just the one to do it .. haha .. that’s funny .. for the truth is .. they don’t need to be fixed .. they .. “we” .. need to be .. accepted .. encouraged .. and .. loved .. that’s right .. just because we aren’t like each other .. doesn’t mean we’re more or less than .. the one standing next to us .. for the truth is .. we all have something unique about us that no one else has .. and we .. need not .. waste our time and energy trying to make each other like ourselves .. no ..we simple need .. to let each other be who He .. has made us to be .. haha .. for friends .. when He puts people in our lives that are different from us .. it’s so easy to think .. they’re really “out there” and certainly need our molding to “fit in” .. haha .. but wait .. it’s He .. the One .. that puts the talents .. the creativities .. and .. the strengths in all of us .. and .. it’s our job .. NOT .. to try and change them .. instead .. we are to .. accept .. encourage .. advise .. and .. share our wisdom with them .. we’re not the Potter .. so .. let’s simply accept and love one another .. for who .. He has made us to be .. for friends .. seriously .. it’s time we let each other of the hook .. we can no longer allow ourselves to focus on what we don’t like about someone .. it time to focus on their good qualities .. for simply .. friends .. we all have them .. we just have to open our hearts and our eyes .. to truly see .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.
” Accept one another .. then .. just as Christ accepted you .. in order to bring praise to God”


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