As I’m sitting her this morning thinking about what’s going on in our little community today.. as we see the miracles happening right in front of our eyes .. and yes .. how our little “Songbird” is getting stronger each day .. I see a mother with a heavy yet grateful heart .. and yes .. all of this has taken me back to when I was the mother with the sick child .. as I moved through the motions as our friend is doing today .. I am reminded again how awesome our community is .. and yes .. was .. even back then .. haha .. 30 years ago .. I think about the cards .. the letters .. and yes .. the many many prayers that came out of this incredible place we call home .. I think about how those words of encouragement and letters of hope .. absolutely helped bring us through .. and yes .. how I learned from each and every one of you .. that simply .. people are not an interruption in our life .. no way .. for yes .. we are why we’re here .. and the truth is .. if we don’t stop and get involved in what others are doing around us .. someone or something else will .. and no .. it’s not always good .. so yes .. it’s our responsibility as God’s children to get involved when needed .. and no .. we must never allow ourselves to forsake our personal responsibility to those He has placed before us .. for it’s true .. we live in a world that is constantly begging for heroes and crying for freedom .. and gratefully .. each one of us know His healing power .. for we are strong people .. and yes .. we are determined to be what He has called us to be .. we truly love one another .. and yes .. when we see a need .. we reach out to fill that need .. and friends .. I just have to say .. right now at this very moment in time .. I personally could not be more proud of any one group of people than I am of each one of you .. thank you for loving .. when loving is needed .. so yes .. over and over and over again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another .. in accord with Christ Jesus .. that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”

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