We’ve all had to deal with mean people at some point in our lives – and when we’re faced with such – we need to stay mindful to see clearly and react with love.

We simply need to see mean people for what they really are – “wounded and tiny, and yes, probably threatened – they are frightened mice masquerading as roaring lions”

So yes – in return without sacrificing our own integrity – we simply fight fire with water, by sending loving thoughts to the people who hurt us.

It’s easy to do when we set our mindset on God’s direction – a simple technique that He Himself recommends to all of us – and friends – I can attest is always seems to make us feel better.

The truth is – when we send well-wishes to the hurting people who want us to share their pain – we’re then able to rise above their suffering.

We regain our true God-given power.

After all, it’s only when mean people actually are happy and free from suffering, that they’ll stop trying to take us down with them.

So we pray – we pray for the mean, the lost, the outcast, the suffering, the imprisoned, the oppressed and the depressed. We pray for the happy, the loving and the kind as well. We pray for us all.

For yes sweet friends – if we’re all praying for each other – there’s no time for anything but love.

Think about it.

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period”Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” Colossians 4:6

#lovewinsperiod#mindsetmatters#prayingforhealing#prayingforcomfort #PrayingForEachOther#prayingforpbandbj#LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole#forevergrateful#unspokenprayerrequest#gracetrumpskarma

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