Today is marked as Holy Wednesday, also know as, Spy Wednesday or Silent Wednesday. 
This is the day in Holy Week that we can presume that Jesus rested.  He had had two grueling days after His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and yes, He knew and carried heavily what the tomorrows would bring for Him.
It’s life changing when we really sit and think about these days and how He must have felt inside.
To top it off,  this is also the day that  Judas, one of His very own agreed to betray Him for thirty pieces of silver. This is hard to think about, when after all, we’re talking about Love Himself. 
We’re talking about the One who loves us like no other possibly can. To love us unconditionally was in His very mind before we were even conceived.
It’s easy for us to look back across time, and yes, shake our fists while wagging our tongues at this betrayer – yet not look at ourselves and the many times we’ve done the same with our own choices, with our own thoughts, with our own words, and yes, with our own actions.
So yes – as we sit here this morning, looking back over time, we humble ourselves, and we ask our God to keep us from despair – we ask Him to keep us safe, while yes, asking Him to instill within us a deep sense of gratitude.
We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period
Then one of the twelve disciples—the one named Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What will you give me if I betray Jesus to you?” They counted out thirty silver coins and gave them to him. From then on Judas was looking for a good chance to hand Jesus over to them.  Matthew 26:14-16
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