Decisions .. decisions ..  every single day we’re faced with having to make them  .. haha .. and yes .. sometimes it’s difficult to make wise ones .. for the enemy .. he want’s to throw in all the curve balls he can to trip us up .. he’ll use our past mistakes to make us believe we’re just not capable .. haha ..  oh but friends .. God .. He understands our past ..  and yes .. He knows our future .. He has deep seated knowledge of  our weaknesses  ..  and yes .. of our strengths ..  and yes .. without a doubt .. He’ll protect us .. while totally challenging us to grow in our walk with Him .. He’ll lead us along the road that will fulfill His plan for our lives .. haha .. for friends .. He’s the One who knows .. the direction we’re to follow .. and yes .. He’ll lead us accordingly .. haha .. and yes ..  all we have to do is simply .. acknowledge that He in fact .. does have the answer .. not only does He have the answer .. haha .. He is the answer .. so .. we pray for His wisdom .. we believe He’ll guide us .. and yes .. we keep moving as we check all our decisions .. against His Word .. while having the courage to ask ourselves whether our decision meets the qualifications of His wisdom .. or whether .. haha .. there’s still any outside influences directing our path ..  for friends .. when we sense anxiety or confusion when making a choice .. we need to keep praying and seeking .. for the truth is .. His wisdom will always direct our path in a peaceful manner .. simple fact .. haha .. bottom line .. He’s the source of all wisdom .. and friends .. He’s the only One who views our lives from an eternal .. and yes .. overall perspective .. haha .. so .. when we allow Him to be a part of every decision we make .. we’ll find  .. we’re simply .. making progress toward a lifetime of much success .. simple fact .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure ..  then peace-loving .. considerate .. submissive .. full of mercy and good fruit .. impartial and sincere”






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