Friends ..  it’s when we learn to mind our own business .. that yes .. we can begin to focus our energies on what God has called us to do today rather than criticizing others for..  what they’re doing .. what they aren’t doing .. or yes .. haha .. what they should be doing .. for the truth is .. we’re all better off keeping our focus on what God wants us to do instead of being concerned about what someone else is doing  .. oh yes .. we should certainly love and care about one another .. however .. we need to take all action necessary to fight the tendency to sit on the sidelines and criticize them .. for yes sweet friends .. we all live in glass houses  .. and no .. not a single one of us is perfect .. so yes ..  with this truth .. we stop complaining .. and yes .. we get up each day .. and yes .. we seek His face .. for yes .. He has the perfect plan for each of us .. and yes .. wants us all to be as effective as .. haha .. a well-tuned engine going through life while living full of His love for one another .. for yes yes yes .. it’s always and forever going to be .. that yes  .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“And to aspire to live quietly .. and to mind your own affairs .. and to work with your hands .. as we instructed you”


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