In spite of what is happening in the world – we have the power to control one thing, and yes, that’s our state of mind.
So with this in mind, let’s travel the road that Jesus took on this day and week so many thousands of years ago – and let’s take it with a loving heart and in total awe of His majestic ways.
We know that we know that we know – His humble, kind, gentle, yet, bold and mighty spirit is with us, 
He’s got us, and yes, we’re going to trust, that yes, He’s going to see us through.
As we trace and travel the rode with Jesus we’ll find that on this day, there were no major feasts.  Most of this week Jesus would leave Jerusalem each evening, and be found sleeping in Bethany. 
On this particular day on His way back to the Holy City of Jerusalem – He was hungry when He came across a barren fig tree in which He cursed for not barring fruit.
Which followed by Him entering the Temple and finding the money changers on holy ground.
And no, it wasn’t a pretty site. He was so upset that they were using His  “house of prayer” as a den for robbers that He began to overturn each and every table He could get His hands on.
I can’t imagine what was going on in His mind. The frustration of what was happening all around Him, while all the while, knowing what the week ahead held for Him. 
However, the one thing He did know – He had to keep moving forward.
So with this, and yes, as we continue to reflect on this day and week ahead – we’ll find that even though we’re more familiar with His healing and blessings, rather than His cursing – the story of that Fig Tree is important for us today.
The truth is – just as the people of old were held accountable for bringing forth fruit, we as well are to live our lives to reflect that of Jesus – no matter the circumstance.
Although He came primarily as a loving healing Savior for those who accept Him – He was also called to be a just Judge.
So yes, as we live our lives, we too, must look at every situation we encounter with a loving heart that is just, right and fair. We are His people and we’re made in His very image – it may sound crazy, but friends – it’s all true.
We are loved by love Himself.   He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law”   Galatians 5:22-23
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