What a beautiful day we had yesterday .. PopBob and I left a day early with the two dogs so to be settled when the kids arrived with the girls this afternoon ..  as I sit here on the south side of the mountain .. looking out the window at the sunrise over the Smokies .. I am overwhelmingly grateful once again for all the blessings I’ve received .. and yes .. even the trials I had to go through to get to this point in my life ..  yes friends .. once we learn to keep a grateful heart for all things ..  somehow even the worst experiences seem to have meaning .. haha .. for after all .. God is an expert at bringing good out of bad .. haha .. if we let Him .. and yes  .. when we think about the big picture .. it always boils down to love .. for He is love .. and yes .. love is the bookend that holds all the other fruit of the spirit together .. for simply .. it’s not just a feeling or an emotion .. no way .. it’s a decision .. and yes .. the fruit of the Spirit causes us to make the decision to love .. haha .. even when we don’t feel like it .. for friends .. He wants our love to grow so big .. haha .. that yes .. it will chase people down and overtake them .. so yes .. when we walk in His love .. everything else falls into place ..  looking forward to seeing His glorious work as we travel over these mountains today .. and yes .. what He’s going to do on the other side .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period


“I pray that your love will overflow more and more .. and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding”


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