Friends ..  all of us no matter how strong and together we appear .. have a whole lot going on in our lives .. we all have things hidden away that we deal with day in and day out .. we’ve all experienced hurt pain and losses .. along with  .. healing joy and triumphs .. for yes .. they somehow fit together like a well made puzzle .. haha .. I laugh because when I look back at my life I see the struggles mixed with the losses and  the pain .. yet .. I find myself today .. like many of you .. full of joy and peace .. and for that .. we thank God for teaching us how to persevere through anything and everything that life has thrown our way  .. yes friends .. all our problems and what we’ve been through are the same in His eyes .. no one get a golder or brighter star than the other .. haha ..  for we have persevered through our own .. and yes .. by doing so has made a positive change in us .. for we know .. it’s not what we do but the very nature of who we are .. that’s right .. at the first sign of trouble .. we know we have a choice .. we can whine and complain about the injustice or we can simply stay on the course .. we can dig in our heels and steady ourselves for the journey .. haha .. for no .. it’s not our first rodeo and we know to successfully navigate through .. for yes .. we grab hold of God and His promises .. we step out in faith .. and yes .. we embrace another process as another opportunity for growth .. no sweet friends .. none of us like to go through difficulties .. however .. they’re a part of life .. and the truth is .. we often find through adversity that our characters are revealed .. and yes .. our spirits are energized .. yes friends .. perseverance makes us strong .. strong in Him and strong His love .. and we know  .. that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“And I am sure of this .. that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”


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