It’s a wonderful thing to get up each morning to a brand new day .. for yes .. it’s a fresh start for each of us ..  so yes .. we stay mindful to replace any negative thoughts with positive thoughts ..  we need to be creative .. we need to laugh .. we need to love .. we need to play .. we need to learn … we need to give someone a compliment .. we need to make a new friend .. and yes .. we need to do a random act of kindness .. for yes .. all of these things are creating a renewed and refreshed spirit within us  .. for  the truth is  .. when we live life to the fullest while trusting that no matter what happens today .. we can yes .. smile and know that tomorrow .. haha .. God will be there to always give us a fresh new start .. for yes .. He loves us too big to keep us where we are .. so yes .. again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases ..  His mercies never come to an end .. they are new every morning .. great is Your faithfulness”


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