Friends .. As we travel through our life journey .. God shows us .. simply … that it’s better to live generously .. without holding back ..  haha .. speaking our love out loud .. and yes .. showing our feelings .. haha .. even at the risk of looking like a fool .. for friends .. being openhearted and non judgmental of others  ..  as well as of ourselves ..  is simply .. what makes us real .. for the truth is .. haha .. our feelings are real .. and no .. they do not lie … we cant be ashamed of them .. no way .. we must acknowledge them .. listening with our heart to what they’re telling us .. for as we do this .. He helps us to move right past the negatives and embrace the positives .. bottom line ..  We have to be willing to take that risk .. for loving generously with feeling and passion .. is how He loves us .. and yes .. how we’re to love others .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“There is no fear in love .. but perfect love casts out fear .. for fear has to do with punishment .. and whoever fears has not been perfected in love”








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