My mind is on the mustard seed this morning .. haha .. it’s one of the smallest of all seeds .. as a matter of fact ..  it’s so small we can barely even see it .. which takes me to the scripture where the disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith .. and yes .. to His simple reply  .. “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mulberry tree .. ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea’ .. and it will obey you.” .. haha .. no friends ..  He wasn’t really suggesting that we go around trying to move trees to prove that we have faith .. no .. what He was trying to teach His disciples .. and yes .. what He wants us to learn today is simply that it doesn’t take a great faith to produce great results .. for the truth is .. the results don’t depend on us ..  no .. they depend on Him .. that’s right .. if the results depended on the size of our faith .. haha .. there’s no doubt we’d all be running around bragging about it .. so no .. there’s no need to ask for a great faith so that we can do great things .. instead .. let’s ask for faith the size of a mustard seed .. so that yes .. we can see Him do great things while always believing and never doubting His mighty power .. for yes sweet friends .. He is God and God is love  .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“So faith comes from hearing .. that is .. hearing the Good News about Christ”


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