Friends .. it’s important that we learn to be tolerant of one another .. which means .. simply accepting the fact that we can’t always have our way in all circumstances in life .. also .. haha  ..  accepting that others are different .. and yes .. have different abilities .. and yes ..  it’s when we can appreciate these differences that we become tolerant .. which goes hand in hand with patience .. which gives us the ability to keep cool under trying conditions .. and no .. not letting ourselves fly off the handle nor get discourage or lose our temper when there’s a delay .. haha .. and yes sweet friends  .. it’s when we follow these simply guidelines that we’ll find .. we’re filled with God’s perfect peace .. and yes .. in turn discover .. that yes .. we can handle anything thrown our way with complete tolerance .. and yes .. steady patience .. and yes .. it’s then again we find .. that yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“With all humility and gentleness .. with patience .. bearing with one another in love”


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