Friends .. we all need to learn not to use up all of our emotional energy trying to fix something that only God can fix .. haha .. that’s right .. for yes .. it’s very important to realize that every time we get upset .. it totally drains our emotional energy .. and yes ..  losing our cool makes us tired .. for the truth is .. getting angry only messes with our health .. and yes .. creates anxiety .. it downright steals our joy while in the meanwhile .. haha .. nothing changes .. so yes ..  the only answer is peace .. we have to stop allowing ourselves to be agitated and disturbed .. we simply cannot permit ourselves to be fearful .. nor intimidated .. nor cowardly or even unsettled .. think about it .. of all the things Jesus could have said before departing .. He made a point to talk about peace .. that right .. He talked about that perfect peace that surpasses all understanding ..  so yes .. with that being said .. we need to stay focused only on the good . and yes .. the peaceful state He can bring us to  .. for yes .. He is love .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

” I have said these things to you .. that in me you may have peace .. in the world you will have tribulation .. but take heart .. I have overcome the world”


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