Friends .. God has given us the gift of prayer to relieve the stress in our lives .. and yes .. He wants us to understand that it’s not just about asking Him for things .. but yes .. to relieve the burden of our hearts before Him .. for the truth is .. He’s never promised to answer our every requests .. oh but .. He has promised to fill us with peace .. His all powerful .. and yes .. perfect peace .. haha .. all we have to do .. is yes .. talk to Him about our problems .. for yes .. He’s faithful to always be there with wide open arms .. and yes .. a listening ear .. and yes .. He’ll be here for each and everyone of us .. twenty four hours a day .. seven days a week .. for it’s true .. He is love .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Be anxious for nothing .. but in everything by prayer and supplication … with thanksgiving .. let your requests be made known to God .. and the peace of God .. which surpasses all understanding .. will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”

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