I just love the fact that God has good things coming our way .. and no .. we can’t worry about how or when it will come .. all we have to do is trust that it will indeed come .. and no .. there’s absolutely no reason for us to obsess nor hunt .. haha .. nor think we can even control it .. no friends .. all we have to do is let it find us while trusting Him wholeheartedly .. and yes .. staying in a peaceful state of mind .. for the truth is .. this is how it comes .. that’s right .. our healing .. our joy .. and yes .. our change all come naturally .. and yes .. with much ease in a variety of ways .. so no .. there’s no need to waste and drain our energy worrying about how this will happen .. for yes .. it’s already there and in place .. we just can’t see it .. however .. we can trust without a doubt we’ll be brought to it .. or yes .. it’ll be brought to us .. so yes .. we relax and know in our heart that all we want and need will come to us when the time is right .. for we know that we know that we know .. His time is always and forever .. the right time .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength .. they shall mount up with wings like eagles .. they shall run and not be weary .. they shall walk and not faint”

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