As many of you know I have recently been reunited with my sister Peggy after many years .. that’s right .. time .. distance .. and .. life .. got right on in our way .. and .. we just never never made it happen .. haha .. until now .. so .. here I sit .. in her precious home as I write this morning .. the sound of the train in the distance reminds my of my visits growing up .. my grandma .. my dad .. my aunts .. uncles .. and .. cousins .. the windows are open and the birds are singing .. my heart is full .. I got here yesterday .. pulled up in the drive .. and .. was greeted by my awesome brother in law .. nervously I walked to the door and there she was .. although I saw her last year .. when we hugged .. I immediately felt .. “home” .. oh my goodness .. an answer to many a prayer .. why did it take so long?.. but .. you know .. it doesn’t really matter .. you see .. the truth is .. Our God .. He always hears our prayers .. and yes .. sometimes .. He answers in miraculous ways .. while other times .. He simply opens our spiritual eyes .. and .. shows us what we can do .. to bring about the answer ourselves .. and then .. gives us the ability to do it .. for friends .. to believe .. is simply .. to give Him the right to answer our prayers in the way He sees best .. and .. when we do this .. the mountains are moved and we are no longer in it’s shadow .. we are on the the top .. living in the joy of walking on faith .. again .. my heart is full .. now .. haha .. off to another day of reconnect .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart .. and do not lean on your own understanding .. in all your ways acknowledge Him .. and He will make straight your paths”

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