Friends .. without great trials .. we would have no great victories .. haha .. that’s right .. for no ..  fulfilling our destiny isn’t always a walk in the park .. it requires thousands of deaths .. learning to say no .. making better choices .. and yes .. putting others’ needs before our own ..  and yes .. it’s when we walk with God that He’ll teach us .. guide us .. and yes .. comfort us throughout our days .. we will know His peace .. no matter what we’re facing .. for yes .. He reveals Himself in the difficulties of life .. haha .. in fact .. the more mature we become in our walk .. the more peace .. and yes ..  joy we experience .. it’s interesting how He stages things .. on one hand .. our trials increase as we grow stronger in Him .. yet .. on the other hand .. the fruit of the Spirit develops to the point where we are given tremendous grace to weather the trials .. so yes sweet friends .. we should always expect to experience His peace in our lives .. if we’re not walking in peace .. chances are .. we haven’t yet completely surrendered to Him .. for the truth is ..  His intention for all of us is to be filled with peace .. joy .. and yes .. love .. for yes .. these are the key indicators of His guidance .. after all .. haha .. it’s the  “umpire” of our heart telling us if we’re “safe” in His will .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“The Lord will guard you from all evil .. preserving your life .. the Lord will guard your goings and comings .. from this time on and forever”


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