At 3 pm .. our daughter in law, Cortney .. is having surgery in Pensacola to remove a stint that was put in during her pregnancy due to a blood clot .. please pray with our family that this will be the relief she so seeks .. that God’s hand will guide the surgeons and their team to reach in and remove that device smoothly and easily without complication .. and when that is done .. her recovery be speedy and complete .. we believe and receive this to be the way it will be .. in Jesus Name .. Amen

Prayer is one of the deepest joys we can experience .. it’s almost too good to be true that in Jesuswe have the very ear of God ..  wow ..  what an indescribable gift .. that the God whose greatness is beyond comprehension actually stoops to listen to us .. and ..  is even more ready to hear us than we are to speak .. for ..  the joys and benefits of prayer aren’t limited to our personal prayer lives .. a shared joy is a doubled joy .. and Friends .. God means for us not only to pray in our closets  .. and .. “without ceasing” ..  but .. with each other .. not just for ourselves .. we are to step up for someone before Him .. standing in the gap .. putting something of ourselves on the line .. for ..  when His love is at work in us .. we will care about others .. and .. our love for them will lead us to take it to the ultimate Source of strength .. healing ..  and love ..  we can’t be fearful .. we must be persistent and stubborn .. God doesn’t mind .. haha .. He truly loves to see divine love at work in us  .. and  .. will always  honors our part in the relationship  ..  oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

Also ..  please lift up in your daily prayers:

Hub, Kat and Carly Hubbard ..  Hub has been fighting cancer for some time now .. he and his family are remarkable people who love the Lord and have lived their lives in service.

Rena Arnett .. one of our oldest and dearest friends .. she is slowly losing her breath.

– If you have a prayer request please let me know as we want to pray with you for your need .. big or small .. God cares about them all.





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