Friends .. we all have days when we feel like life is out of control .. and yes .. this happens when we allow our circumstances to dictate our thoughts and attitudes .. so today .. at this very moment .. let’s take our lives back .. haha .. it’s really not that hard .. all we have to do is make the choice to take control of our “thoughts” .. for the truth is .. even though we live in this natural realm .. as Believers .. we’re not limited by this natural realm .. which means at anytime we choose .. we can tap into God’s awesome power by making every thought we have line up with His Word .. no friends .. we can’t allow our circumstances to control us .. so yes .. we meditate on His Word and we let His truth set us free .. free to live the destiny He’s prepared for each of us .. because yes .. this is something worth dwelling on .. haha .. so .. come on now .. let’s get up .. let’s get our thoughts in order .. and yes .. set out on this beautiful day with a mindset .. that yes yes yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Do not be conformed to this world .. but be transformed by the renewal of your mind .. that by testing you may discern what is the will of God .. what is good and acceptable and perfect”

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