Friends ..  it’s simply .. haha .. “tolerance” .. in all we think .. and yes .. in all we do .. that will make a difference in our life ..  and yes ..  in the lives of others around us .. for the truth is ..  tolerance for others .. is simply .. about appreciating diversity .. haha .. and friends .. no one is more tolerant than God .. so .. being willing to live .. and yes ..  let others live too .. is truly an act of love .. for .. when we fail to tolerate others beliefs .. their ways of being .. and yes .. their opinions ..  the end result … haha .. can be .. and yes .. most of the time .. will be ..  discrimination and hate .. bottom line ..  practicing tolerance is at the heart of living peacefully .. and Lord knows .. we can all use a little peace in our lives .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“With all humility and gentleness .. with patience .. bearing with one another in love”



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