God’s Word tells us that through Christ ..  we are more than conquerors ..  which simply means .. that we know .. and .. completely trust .. before any negative situation or problem comes our way ..  through Him .. we will overcome it .. for we live in with this unwavering confidence that no matter what ..  He will never leave us nor forsake us ..  haha .. it’s that simple ..  for .. it’s in our personal relationship with Him .. that gives us the comfort of knowing  ..  we don’t have to be afraid ..  no way .. for .. we know .. even when the unexpected comes our way .. and .. the enemy tries to shake us up ..  he can’t do it .. simply because  .. we’re no longer  afraid of bad news .. or ..  of things that may happen that aren’t in our plan .. oh yes .. sweet friends  .. we may be disappointed by it .. but .. we won’t be devastated by it .. it’s that awesome revelation of who we are in Him .. and .. knowing that with Him  .. there is nothing .. absolutely nothing .. that can’t be handled .. for He is the Captain of our ship .. and .. with Him at the helm  ..  we’ll sail right through to victory .. every single time ..  woo hoo .. come on now .. hop on people ..  let’s enjoy His ride ..  oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

“No .. in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us .. for I am sure that neither death nor life .. nor angels nor rulers .. nor things present nor things to come .. nor powers .. nor height nor depth .. nor anything else in all creation .. will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord”




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