The Church simply does not exist to satisfy each and every one of our selfish wants and ambitions .. it’s a place .. our home .. where we can serve the needs of others .. haha .. after all .. becoming a Believer does not mean we are part of private and exclusive club .. it’s quite the contrary .. Jesus .. Himself .. invites us to be a part of an inclusive community in which we love our neighbor as we love ourselves .. friends .. the root of Christianity is loving God and loving other people .. think about it .. imagine someone standing at the front door of the church yelling .. “Mine” .. to any new person coming in .. especially if they .. “think” .. that person is not worthy .. haha .. sounds ridiculous .. but .. these people exist and many have walked away without His Love .. for me .. as I peal off the layers of my broken past .. I see things much simpler now .. everything we do boils down to this truth .. our job and bottom line .. we are to love others as ourselves .. and .. as we do this .. even when we don’t want to .. reconciliation within ourselves and with others can begin .. and .. with that .. Our Awesome God .. He gets the total glory .. that’s what I’m talking about .. yes .. yes .. yes .. feels so good to be loved by Him .. oh yeah people .. again and again .. Love Wins Period

“The Lord has founded Zion .. and in her the afflicted of His people find refuge”


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