Our relationship with God .. it’s like no other relationship we’ve .. had .. have .. or .. will .. ever experience .. for you see .. He has a unique kind of love for us .. haha .. that’s right .. it’s totally unconditional .. simply meaning .. He loves us .. simply because .. He loves us .. it doesn’t depend on our performance .. nor .. does it depend on what we can do for Him .. nope .. there’s not one single thing we can do .. to cause Him to love us .. any more .. or .. any less .. than He already does .. for you see .. most of us throughout our lives have experienced love .. however .. most of the love we’ve experienced .. it’s been conditional.. yep .. in one form or fashion .. oh but friends .. when we open our life to Him .. we’ve now found .. total .. “love and acceptance” .. it may be hard to comprehend .. but .. from personal experience .. I can tell you .. it’s true .. even when we feel like giving up .. we can’t .. because now .. there’s something inside us .. that drives us .. haha .. and that .. sweet friends .. is simply .. “real love” .. bottom line .. in Him .. we have found a new life .. it didn’t come trimmed in lace and smelling like sweet perfume .. no .. it came in .. an earthly life .. in .. a smelly damp stable .. for you see .. Jesus .. He tasted real life .. and that is and will be .. the flavor of our journey with Him .. no magic .. just the awesome promise of His very presence .. everywhere we go .. this .. is His promise .. and .. this .. is what keeps us going .. for our faith .. it solely rests in Him .. and .. we know .. that we know .. that we know .. that .. we can believe .. and .. we can rely .. on His unfailing love for us .. every second .. of every minute .. of every day .. after all .. haha .. it’s true .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.

“In this the love of God was made manifest among us .. that God sent his only Son into the world .. so that we live through Him .. In this is love .. not that we loved God but that he loved us”


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