Friends .. when it comes to reality .. haha .. we can stop believing in it .. however .. I can tell you from experience that it’s simply not going away .. so yes .. we must accept it .. embrace it .. and yes .. live in it wholeheartedly .. for the truth is .. the reality of our situations in life can cloud the reality of God’s control over our lives .. simply because .. many of us live in fear of the unexpected or unknown .. haha .. but as Believers .. we know He know exactly what He’s doing .. so yes .. we learn to accept His agenda .. we agree that He’s in control and we’re not .. so yes .. we trust Him in spite of the circumstances surrounding us .. and yes .. we can expect our faith to be tested .. so yes .. we pray according to His Word knowing that our path will be opened and clear .. while yes .. taking in every day as a gift from Him .. to yes .. show His glory and His love through us .. for friends .. every day we should wake up with a spirit of expectancy that He is preparing a glorious start to our day .. and yes .. this is a choice we make to say to Him , “not my will .. but Yours be done” .. no .. this isn’t to say that we never make plans .. but rather .. our plans are subject to His will for the day .. for yes .. we need to stay alert and prepared for Him to show up in unexpected ways throughout the day .. for yes ..we know that we know that we know .. over and over and over again .. that yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“This is the day the LORD has made .. we will rejoice and be glad in it”



yes .. we know that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period




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