I’ve recently been reunited with my sister after 32 years .. wow .. where did that time go .. haha .. yep .. she came walking into the coffee house .. and .. it was just like I had seen her yesterday .. yeah .. yeah .. we are older .. age has taken it’s way .. and .. with that .. it seems .. we have both gained much wisdom .. tomorrow morning .. I leave to go visit her .. I’m going to a city I have not been to in 35 years .. you see .. our dad passed away in 1980 and we buried him in his home town .. the last time I’ve been there .. I will get to see my nieces and my nephews and cousins .. some for the first time .. and .. I will go to dad’s grave site and see his name written in stone .. for the first time .. yes .. I’m very excited .. and .. to be honest a little nervous .. you see this trip means more to me .. than just a visit .. it is a time for me to reconnect with that in which I lost .. that part of me that has been empty will now be filled .. oh yes .. absolutely .. God has been faithful to fill that void .. He has been gentle in keeping my mind at rest .. through the years I have learned .. by many a lesson … when we’re feeling overwhelmed .. fearful .. and .. uncertain on which way to turn .. we can trust that He is always in control of our journey .. there is never a reason to fear .. He is always with us .. for .. you see .. even though .. there are hidden obstacles along our way .. and.. while we can see .. only the next step in front of us .. He sees the whole road .. He knows what’s up ahead .. and .. we can count on Him being our faithful guide .. right on up to the end of our days .. that’s right .. in His ultimate compassion .. He’ll shine His light on the road we are to travel .. so .. we work through .. with the faith in knowing .. He will never .. ever .. abandon us in our time of need .. that’s right friends .. “comfort for our very soul” .. at it’s .. “very best” .. and friends .. I’m really looking forward to this trip .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“When doubts filled my mind .. your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer”


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