Friends .. we can be grateful this morning .. in simply knowing this truth .. our God .. He doesn’t look at trouble the way we do .. haha .. no way .. where we see stress .. He sees opportunity .. where we see crisis .. He sees growth .. for yes .. haha .. His purpose in times of crisis and trouble .. is simply to teach us precious lessons .. no .. never to harm us .. but simply .. with the intention to educate us .. and yes .. build us up .. for friends .. it’s when we learn from these “lessons” .. haha .. and yes .. ride out the storms of life .. it is then .. we’ll see The great promise fulfilled .. for yes yes yes .. there’s joy and opportunities through the storms .. and friends .. it’s when we recognize this truth .. we simply learn to make our life .. joy filled .. haha .. by seizing the crisis .. and yes .. by allowing growth .. to come from the spin .. haha .. bottom line .. we’re going to be tested .. and when we are .. we can simply see it for what it is .. a time to learn .. and yes .. a time to trust .. for friends .. when we change our wrong .. and .. we trust whole heartedly in His promises .. it’s then .. when the storm moves past .. we can look back .. haha .. and simply see .. our trials were necessary .. for today .. we’re much better people .. haha .. yes friends .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial .. for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life .. which God has promised to those who love Him”


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