With each new morning .. we have a choice on how to start our day .. we can choose .. the right way .. or .. the wrong way .. haha .. that’s right .. we can get up with a positive attitude .. full of praise to God .. or .. we can let the enemy immediately rob us of our joy .. before we even get out of bed .. filling us with .. doubt and fear .. and then .. taking it right on into the day with us .. that’s right friends .. it’s a choice .. we all have stuff in our lives .. the good .. the bad .. and .. the ugly .. yet .. it’s how we look at our .. “stuff” .. and .. the mindset we keep that makes us or breaks us .. for you see … God .. He waits for us to get up each morning .. longing to hear that good morning praise .. with our minds .. solidly made up .. to follow Him into the day .. and .. yes .. the enemy .. he’s going to try to rial us up .. for .. after all .. it’s his job and everyday for him .. is a work day .. haha .. oh but .. he can’t rial us .. no way .. simply because .. we have started this day .. with our mind set on Jesus .. and friends .. with Him on our mind and in our heart .. those hard hits we may take .. they won’t shake us .. instead .. all we’ll feel is that ..”love tap” .. from Him .. letting us know .. He has our back .. so .. do not fear .. for simply .. there is nothing to fear .. for .. the One ..who spoke the world into existence .. the Alpha .. the Omega .. the Beginning .. and .. the End … He’s our Friend .. He’s our Protector .. and .. He’s our Deliverer .. which simply means .. we’re constantly covered .. from the top of our head.. right on down .. to the bottom of our feet .. so .. come on now .. let’s get on out and make this rainy day .. an awesome day .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“O Sovereign LORD! .. You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm .. Nothing is too hard for you!”

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