Last night I went to Borago for dinner .. second night they were open at their new and temporary location up at “Nick’s on the Beach” .. for those of you that don’t know .. about a month or more ago they had a fire at their location and are displaced until repairs are done .. so .. as God would have it .. the Nick Family .. so graciously closed for a few months to let them into their space .. to do what they do best .. ‘serve up incredible food with gracious and loving hearts’ .. it’s a good thing .. as I sat there and watched the people .. heard the laughter .. and .. saw the smiles on the owners and staffs faces .. I have to say .. “I’m just so proud to know such wonderful people” .. for you see .. when they could have given up .. sat back and waited with the hope that someone would jump in to save them .. haha .. they rose up and the kept moving .. they banded together .. and .. they ran .. and friends .. the pure beauty of this .. is awesome .. for .. this is the very design God made us to be .. we are all running a race .. a race set for each of us by His miraculous hand .. we can’t let a fire stop us from reaching our goal .. no way .. when the flames are on our heels .. we just got to .. run a little faster .. for that goal set before us .. oh my goodness .. it is so well worth .. the pitfalls along the way .. congratulations my sweet Borago friends .. may you each .. shine His light .. every night .. right up there .. on top of that hill .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Therefore .. since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith .. let us strip off every weight that slows us down .. especially the sin that so easily trips us up .. and let us run with endurance the race God has set before us”

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