Friends .. it’s when we wake up in the morning with the simple thought of what God’s going to do today .. haha .. we get this sense of excitement .. for the truth is .. from the moment we entered this world to the very moment we leave it .. He’s constantly doing great works in our lives .. and no .. we never have to wonder if He desires to finish His work in us .. for simply .. we know without a doubt .. He does .. and no .. we never have to worry that He’s forgotten us in the process .. for simply .. He hasn’t .. and friends .. we don’t have to question one tiny bit His commitment to us .. no way .. for simply .. He puts Himself fully in when it comes His people .. and yes .. we need to do the same for Him .. haha .. no friends .. we cannot allow our lives to point in the direction where He’s no longer in the mix .. instead .. we steadily stay mindful to keep Him in the leadership position .. which means .. haha .. letting go .. and yes .. it means committing to follow His lead no matter how long it takes .. for yes .. it’s when we wait and we watch .. we’re simply able to avoid our natural tendency to manipulate the situations in front of us in order to reach the outcome we desire .. so .. in trusting in this truth while starting yet another beautiful day .. we simply .. haha .. let go .. and yes .. surrender to His will .. and yes yes yes .. walk boldly in step with His purpose for our life .. for friends .. that sweet relief comes when we trust that He’s able .. and yes .. more than willing to lead us along our journey .. which simply in turn .. takes us back to the fact .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart .. and do not lean on your own understanding .. in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make straight your paths”

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