Friends .. we all have scars on our bodies .. personally I have them starting from the top of my head .. haha .. going right on down to the end of my toes .. oh yes .. we all have them .. and yes .. most of us can remember the story behind many of them .. but friends .. the truth is .. the most painful scars we carry are the ones we can’t see .. haha .. you know the ones I’m talking about .. they’re the scars on our heart and deep in our very soul .. the scar of rejection from a father who didn’t know how to love .. the scar of growing up in a home filled with alcohol and abuse .. the scar of disappointment at the loss of a child .. and yes .. the scar of broken dreams .. for yes sweet friends .. scars .. they come in all form and fashion .. they come through what’s been done to us by others .. as well as .. what’s been done through us by our own mistakes and failures .. either way .. haha .. they’re our life scars .. and no .. they’re not something we need to hide from nor be ashamed of .. no friends .. we need to use the scars of our life to simply share the healing power of Jesus with the hurting world around us .. for a scar basically implies healing .. so .. we look at the lines and marks of our journey .. we call them what they are .. “ugly reminders yet beautiful trophies” .. haha .. for yes .. He has a purpose and plan for them .. and no .. they’re not here to remind us we’ve been hurt .. we have them to remind us .. we’ve been healed .. we’ve been delivered .. and yes .. we’ve been set free .. so today sweet friends .. we can be grateful for all our scars .. haha .. for although they may look ugly to some .. but to us .. they’re simply a beautiful well written story .. a story that someone out there may just need to hear .. for yes sweet friends .. “Love” has healed our scars of time .. which in turn .. leaves us with this simple truth .. yesterday .. today .. and .. forever .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Come to me .. all you who are weary and burdened .. and I will give you rest”

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