In the past year there have been a lot of changes in my life .. as most of you know that know me .. after many years of servicing the public with coffee and hugs .. I am now retired from that and have moved on to servicing the public in catering .. real estate .. haha .. and hugs .. through all the change that has taken place there have been a few constants .. and .. one of them has been my assistant and dear friend .. Stacee .. oh yes .. Stacee .. a constant friend for sure .. she has managed to put up with me .. when no one else could .. she has managed to love me .. at my best .. and .. at my .. ah .. let’s just say .. not so best .. she has given of herself to me and my family .. without hesitation .. she’s dedicated .. precise .. kind .. and .. just plain smart .. oh yes .. we’ve had our ups and downs .. but through it all .. she’s stayed focused on my heart .. she hasn’t let my bluntness steer her away .. she sees in me .. the person I want to be .. but .. cannot always be .. she lives in the reality of life .. and .. friends .. dealing with me .. is a reality smack in itself .. haha .. yes .. my friend Stacee .. she has taken care of me on a daily basis for over a year now .. loving me .. encouraging me .. and .. helping me .. to be .. a better me .. now .. today .. more change comes for us all .. for you see .. my sweet friend and coworker is moving .. yep .. she’s gong back to St Louis to be closer to her family .. they need her too .. it’s going to be a emotional day .. I’m sure of that .. for .. saying goodbye to someone like Stacee will not be easy for me .. but .. it’s when I think about what God is going to do for her .. I can’t help but feel excited .. for friends .. sometimes .. we just need a change .. and .. she has that change coming .. so .. I say to my friend ..
“Girl .. go get em .. spread your wings .. your love .. and .. your bright shining light .. teach all those you meet .. what you have taught me .. to truly love like Jesus .. unconditionally and freely .. with no holds barred .. for .. it has truly been an honor to have you by my side .. so .. get your joy on .. and .. get ready for the ride .. yes! .. He has the perfect plan awaiting you .. always remembering .. changes in life … simply mean .. ‘Christ Has A New Gift Every Second’ .. haha .. and you .. sweet friend .. deserve all the gifts He has waiting for you .. I love you girlfriend .. big huge hug” ..
.. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Have I not commanded you? .. Be strong and courageous .. Do not be frightened .. and do not be dismayed .. for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”

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