We had a visit from an old friend yesterday .. it was a nice visit ..  we haven’t seen each other in a few years .. and yes .. it was fun catching up .. we shared stories of where we were then .. and yes .. where we are now .. we talked about love and forgiveness .. along with joy .. and yes .. hope .. we shared what God has done for each of us .. and yes .. what we know He’ll do moving forward .. haha .. it was nice reminder of His love and mercy .. to remember .. and yes .. to share with each other His miraculous acts in our lives in the short amount of time since we’ve last seen each other .. honestly ..  left us all feeling rejuvenated .. and yes .. even more hopeful for the future ..  for yes sweet friends .. there’s something about sharing His love that we know .. and yes .. feel each day with one another .. it leaves us feeling like we’ve done something good .. haha .. something positive to have earned such blessings .. for the truth is .. it doesn’t matter who we are .. or yes .. what we’ve done .. He is with us .. and yes .. when we learn the true blessing of forgiveness .. not only of others .. but yes .. of ourselves .. we see blessing after blessing upon our lives .. for yes .. He’s gonna bless us .. all we have to do .. haha .. is keep moving forward in the most positive and loving way we can .. for it is then .. everything else around us just seems to fall into place .. that perfect place where only He can bring us .. and yes .. my heart is full .. and yes ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Two are better than one .. because they have a good reward for their toil .. for if they fall .. one will lift up his fellow .. but woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up ..  again .. if two lie together .. they keep warm .. but how can one keep warm alone .. and though a man might prevail against one who is alone .. two will withstand him .. a threefold cord is not quickly broken”


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