Friends ..  “forgiveness” .. haha  ..  it can be a tough one depending on the circumstances .. however .. what we must remember is it’s totally a spiritual act .. haha .. that’s right .. for the truth is .. to forgive we ultimately have to rely on God’s grace to accomplish the act .. and  yes .. if we’re not careful .. haha .. our own faults and weaknesses .. they’ll jump right on in the way of our ability to do so  .. haha .. however .. we do indeed .. have the comfort of knowing that simply .. whatever we’re lacking God can and will supply .. that’s right .. for friends ..  as we know .. there are times when our need for His assistance is pretty darn intense .. and yes ..  when we choose to forgive .. our effort doesn’t rely on any other person .. which simply .. makes it possible for us to move on to the next step .. haha .. “reconciliation” .. you know .. that multi-person process ..  and yes ..  what we  now must understand .. is simply in order for us to reconcile with anyone .. both sides must be ready and willing to do so .. haha .. that’s right .. we both have to choose to do whatever it takes to restore our relationship ..  for simply .. it takes two to agree to want to reconcile .. and yes .. it can be a long and painful process .. oh .. but friends .. I have personally found .. when a relationship is reconciled .. in the end .. haha .. it’s so well worth all the turmoil it took to get there .. for you see .. most always we’ll find .. our relationship becomes stronger than it was before .. and friends .. as we know .. that always makes for full hearts .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period

“Above all .. keep loving one another earnestly .. since love covers a multitude of sins”


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