As my faith matures .. and .. I read and re-read .. the many miraculous stories of the life of Jesus .. I’ve come to the understanding of what He was .. and .. is .. really all about .. and that’s simply .. compassion .. that’s right .. nothing more and nothing less .. compassion .. it’s the glue that held together everything He did .. think about it .. He never performed one single miracle with the thought of showing off .. He simply loved people with full compassion each day He walked on earth .. that’s right .. He brought deliverance to the demonic .. He raised the widow’s son from the dead .. and .. yes .. he broke laws by reaching out to touch the “unclean” .. simply because .. He was motivated by one thing .. and that sweet friends .. was pure unconditional love .. His inner spiritual being was strong .. every work He did externally .. flowed naturally from who He was internally .. He never had to struggle to be the Son of God .. He simply was .. haha .. and friends .. what we must remember .. for you and I .. to be Christlike .. it’s not only about our external actions .. it’s also about the condition of our inner spiritual being .. and .. the simple motives of our heart .. for you see .. we can do all the right things .. but .. if we’re not becoming more like Him .. from the inside out .. and .. if we are not allowing these actions to come from true compassion .. then .. we are not truly being .. Christlike .. for .. the bottom line is so simple .. God is Love .. and .. if we truly want to be more like Him .. then we need to love .. more like Him .. so .. with that .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.
“The one who does not love does not know God .. for God is love .. by this the love of God was manifested in us .. that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him”

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