Friends .. yes .. it’s God .. who we don’t see .. but yes .. feel with our heart .. that truly helps us to be grateful and humble .. haha .. no .. we can’t see Him .. but yet .. we believe in Him .. for simply .. what we clearly see .. is the change in our lives .. as well as .. those around us .. when we simply .. haha .. ask Him for the strength to make the changes we need for ourselves .. haha .. that’s right .. our faith in Him .. and yes .. in His power .. will bless us with a useful and full life .. bottom line .. He’ll never fail us .. no way .. never ever will that happen .. so .. haha .. in knowing this truth .. we look to Him in every turn with gratitude and humility .. haha .. then we hang on .. that’s right .. we hang on for that glorious ride .. with a heart that’s always ready .. and yes .. always willing to be changed for the better .. simply by .. His remarkable love and guidance .. for we know that we know that we know .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go .. I will counsel you with my eye upon you”

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