Love .. Mercy ..  Redemption .. and .. Judgment  ..  these are all characteristics of God  ..  and yes .. they always have been .. haha .. and .. if we haven’t notice ..  we need to open our eyes and see .. it’s not all about us .. nope .. it’s about Him .. the One .. who desires that all of us .. be saved .. while being determined to reveal Himself .. even through our brokenness .. for .. we know and have seen for ourselves  .. all that He’s accomplished for good and forever in Jesus .. simply because  ..  He’s provided  glimpses and examples of His hand at work  .. throughout the history of man .. so .. in knowing this truth ..  we simply find ..  there’s no one .. more trustworthy than Him  .. so .. we trust Him .. we trust Him with our life .. simply because .. He gave it to us ..  straight out of love .. we trust Him with our purpose .. simply because .. He gave it to us .. to fulfill our destiny ..  we trust Him in all circumstances .. simply because .. we know .. that we know .. that we know  .. that even what others intend for evil .. He can and will ..  make use for good .. oh yes .. we trust Him to free us from our chains .. simply because .. history has shown us .. He has delivered His people .. time after time from bondage  ..  we trust Him to bring us home at the end of our journey  .. simply because .. we belong to Him .. and .. He is our God .. yes friends .. we trust Him .. simply because .. He is indeed .. full of Grace and Truth .. bottom line  .. He is simply .. the One .. who has given us life .. He is the One .. calling us to purpose .. and  ..  He is the One .. at work in all our brokenness ..  for .. He simply ..  wants us all .. made whole .. to further .. what He has started in us .. yes sweet friends .. we’re all headed home .. simply because … we’ve placed our trust in Him .. “the Alpha .. the Omega .. the Beginning .. and .. the End” ..  so .. hop on board and enjoy the journey .. for friends ..  it’s hand made .. just for you .. and .. just for me ..  oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.

 “But you are a chosen people .. a royal priesthood ..  a holy nation ..  a people belonging to God .. that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light ..  once you were not a people ..  but now you are the people of God ..  once you had not received mercy ..  but now you have received mercy”

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