I’ve always been a “fly by the seat of my pants” kind of gal .. there’s a lot of us around .. growing up .. I pretty much had to be .. to survive .. haha .. probably the same with many of you .. but .. there come’s a time in all our lives when we feel like we need to “simplify” .. we need to look at the instructions and follow the plan .. haha .. unless it’s cooking .. no way can I follow a recipe .. it’s always .. a little of this and a little of that .. oh but friends .. the good news .. when we look at God’s instructions .. what we’ll always find .. is simply .. a recipe for success .. that’s right .. and .. His recipe .. is simple to understand and easy follow .. simply when .. we stay connected to Him as our source of inspiration .. for friends .. His commandments .. they’re not burdensome .. not when our soul desire is to follow them .. simply .. out of love for Him .. haha .. love .. it always seems to find it’s way in to the mix .. for friends .. the truth is .. if we’re walking around troubled .. overburdened .. and .. depressed all the time .. we’re probably not walking obediently on His path .. simply because .. His path leads to love and joy .. haha .. that’s right .. bottom line .. He is .. the Way .. the Truth .. and .. the Life .. and His way .. is the only way .. that’s going to take us .. to our ultimate goal .. first and foremost .. on this journey .. we call life .. constantly .. loving like Him .. and then .. when it’s all said and done .. seeing Him .. face to face .. on that day .. when we .. simply .. break on through .. to the other side .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world .. but be transformed by the renewing of your mind .. then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is .. His good .. pleasing .. and .. perfect will”

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