I was up most of the night .. thinking and praying .. and yes .. thinking and praying some more .. haha .. you know how it is .. we all have those nights when so much is weighing on our mind and so much is going on in our lives .. that frankly .. we just don’t know which way to place things .. haha .. in a list with the most important task on top .. or .. just randomly choose this one or that one and get it all done ..  yes friends .. it’s times like these .. when our mind is racing .. that yes! .. we simply have to trust God to help us sort it all out .. and yes I know .. even as much as we trust Him .. we want to take the reigns and move full steam ahead .. haha .. but we know in the back of our mind and down deep in our heart that we must always and forever stay .. “slow and steady “.. for friends .. slow and steady wins the race .. haha .. it’s what keeps us moving at a pace that allows Him to work the way He wants and needs to work in our lives .. and yes .. for our own sanity .. haha  .. for we know without a doubt .. He can do anything .. and yes .. it’s in the stillness of the night .. or ..  in this very moment we sit .. that we know ..  that we know .. that we know ..  all is well and everything is going to be just fine .. haha .. heck .. it always is .. and yes .. it always will be .. for the truth is .. nothing that happens to us in this life can change the fact that we are loved by Him .. we are loved by God .. the Creator of the Universe .. the King of Kings and Lord of Lords .. haha .. and yes .. because He loves us so much .. He will protect us .. He will keep us .. and .. He will guide us .. for friends .. IF .. in all we do and in all we say .. we stay “slow and steady”  while listening to that still small voice in our heart .. we’ll come out of it with a renewed mind and a clear site .. haha .. for yes .. our spiritual life is a race .. and yes .. it’s one of endurance .. it’s not all about the quick huge spiritual boosts .. no friends .. our spiritual race is all about consistency .. it’s in the little things .. haha .. like the thinking and praying at night ..  it’s when we stay on the right path .. and yes .. keep moving toward the goal in those little yet vitals ways .. that we feel His great love .. and yes .. forever find .. that yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“So I do not run aimlessly .. I do not box as one beating the air”


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