Friends .. as most of us have learned .. haha .. or yes .. are in the process of learning .. that simply .. making snap decisions can really complicate things in our lives .. haha .. that’s right .. when we’re so quick to state our opinion .. we may find ourselves in a very uncomfortable way .. for .. as we all know .. there are plenty of so called experts out there .. that will .. offer their opinion on what someone has done .. haha .. or even .. what will happen tomorrow .. oh but friends .. there are few wise souls who are willing to suspend judgment .. and wait .. haha .. that’s right .. wait to see what unfolds .. for the truth is .. when others are quick to judge .. or even .. predict outcomes .. haha .. that’s when we need to sit back .. and yes .. keep quiet .. for the solid truth is .. people with quick answers .. often don’t even know .. what the real question is .. haha .. for simply .. it’s in quiet tactfulness .. that we find .. we’re able to keep focused on what’s truly important .. while simply .. allowing us the time to quietly and prayerfully access .. what’s really going on .. haha .. before .. stating our opinion or making a commitment .. bottom line .. when we apply this to our daily lives .. we’re simply .. allowing God to be our guide .. and yes .. we’re leaving any judgment .. strickly and solely up to Him .. for yes .. as we all know .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Do you see someone who speaks in haste? .. there is more hope for a fool than for them”

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