We’ve all experienced hardships in our lives .. whether created by .. something .. someone .. or heck .. even ourselves .. haha .. for the truth is .. we can dish ourselves out some of the worst hardships of all .. oh yeah .. we make bad decisions .. we get involved in the wrong relationships .. or .. we just try to be something .. that we simply .. don’t need to be .. haha .. however .. what we find in this .. is simply .. we learn and grow far more in hardship .. than we ever do .. in ease and comfort .. haha .. and yes .. it’s pretty much ensured .. when we pay attention .. we’ll learn .. there’s growth through all the struggle .. the stress .. the abuse .. and yes .. even the emotional devastation .. for friends .. through it all .. we’re simply .. becoming who God wants us to be .. simply because .. He knows .. our heart and soul yearns so deeply for this .. haha .. that’s right friends .. our life and all that’s wrapped up in it .. is a huge testimony to Him and His power .. and .. not only that .. but also .. that of a willing heart .. that desires nothing greater than what He needs .. and not about … what we need .. haha .. for friends .. it’s been through obedience and a deep desire to listen to Him .. that I know .. without a doubt .. my life has been changed .. haha .. yes sweet friends .. we love Him with all our heart and soul .. and yes .. we”ll do whatever is necessary and required of us .. even when .. it’s makes our lives uncomfortable or even difficult .. haha .. for we know .. that we know .. that we know .. our lives are a story in the making .. haha .. and simply .. a story is not a story .. until He .. gets the glory .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“So .. whether you eat or drink .. or whatever you do .. do all to the glory of God”




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