Today is a special day for me .. and yes .. for our family in a whole .. after leaving Hibiscus almost six years ago .. man oh man .. has whole lot has happened .. haha .. many of you have ridden the road with me and for that I say thank you .. it was a split with a lot of hurt .. and yes .. a hole left void .. for that I seek forgiveness .. yet today .. on this perfect Sunday Funday .. not only have I made full circle with my Hibiscus family .. Kurt and Barbara .. but our son’s Donald and Warren seem to be taking over the reigns .. haha .. oh yes .. we’ll be in the background .. I’ll still be hugging on the Cafe end .. Barbara will still be her beautiful self while showing off her incredible Old Florida collection .. and yes .. Kurt will still be using his master mind to mentor us all ..  but today ..  the old becomes new .. and yes .. with grateful hearts we’re able to pass the baton to the next generation with everyone playing their role that God has set before us  .. and friends .. I am so proud today to be able to witness His hand in motion .. to see how He has taken each of our hearts and shown us the beauty of His incredible and undying love .. we are blessed people to be able to clearly see just what He’s done .. and yes .. to be able to share it with each one of you .. it’s truly overwhelming when I think about it too much .. so I’ll just say ..  if you’ve been to the Backyard of Love .. you know the peace .. if you haven’t .. you need to join us as soon as you can .. it’s special place to gather with your family and friends today ..  my son Donald with his Grayton Beach Catering crew will wow you with their culinary skills while Warren and his crew will welcome you to the Inn with open arms and loving hearts .. and yes .. a cool mimosa to quench your thirst .. for yes .. we are two families making full circle .. and yes .. today is a special day .. and yes yes yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Let your eyes look directly forward .. and your gaze be straight before you”



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