Fifteen years ago my friend Brenda brought us a little dog that she had rescued .. we named her Sierra Blue .. a few weeks later she brought us her brother .. who she also rescued .. we named Dusty .. he was solid white and looked like a fat little snow ball .. haha .. at the time we weren’t planning on having a dog .. much less two .. for Bob .. he’d never been a big dog person as he mostly had cats around .. I remember pleading with him to let me have them .. and .. of course .. after days of relentless begging .. I won .. and .. we took them both in .. Dusty spent the first year or so with our mom’s for at the time they were living together .. and Dusty .. that cute little bundle of white fur .. haha .. brought them so much joy .. then .. as life changed for them .. we brought Dusty back to live with us .. so stinkin’ cute .. as well as .. haha .. a little quirky .. oh but .. we loved him like crazy .. especially Bob .. Dusty had picked him as his owner .. they seem to do that for whatever reason .. oh yes .. he loved me too .. but .. him and Bob .. they were inseparable .. and .. as Dusty grew older and sickness of one kind or the other came on him .. it was always Bob who took care of and nursed him through .. yes .. he did love that little dog like crazy .. yes .. I’m using the past tense .. for .. ]yesterday .. we had to say goodbye to him .. as I watched those two over the last few weeks I could see the heartache in both of their eyes .. and .. when Bob made the decision it was time .. a blanket fell over our home .. yet .. at the same time .. a sense of relief .. and yes .. even joy .. for now .. we were free to talk about and remember when he wasn’t so sick and the silly things he did .. the great joy that he brought us .. haha .. and yes .. we could now begin to grieve what we knew was coming .. friends .. the loss of a pet is strong .. and yes .. it’s so very real .. I actually think it can be more intense than a human death .. I mean after all .. they’re such a big part of our daily routine .. we do things for them .. they can’t do for themselves .. all their lives .. their love is so pure .. no matter if it’s five minutes or five days away .. when we return .. they jump for joy and greet us with so much love that it makes our hearts beat full .. so .. here we are .. I got up this morning .. made the treats for our babies just like I do every morning .. but today .. there’s one less bowl to fill .. yes sweet friends .. it’s real .. but .. it’s also real .. the feeling of comfort I have in knowing he’s in the place where God is loving him .. and .. not only that .. he’s that white bundle of fur again .. running and playing .. looking for the next treat .. haha .. oh I know .. some say pets don’t go to heaven .. not me .. I say .. “see ya when I get there little man “.. haha .. oh yeah poeple .. Love Wins Period
“A righteous man regards the life of his animal”

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