Last night .. New Years Eve .. Bob and I went to dinner at Borago .. just like we’ve done every year since they first opened in Grayton many years ago .. we talked about the upcoming year .. and .. the things that together as husband and wife .. as well as .. within our family and business .. we would like to see happen .. yes .. it’s a new year .. with new goals .. and .. new dreams .. a fresh start .. but yet .. through it all .. we know .. it comes .. only .. one day at a time .. and today .. it’s day one .. haha .. no .. we have no idea what this day will bring .. but through it .. we’ll simply ask Our God .. to help us be ready .. for whatever that may be .. whether it be standing tall .. sitting quietly .. waiting patiently .. or .. do nothing at all .. we’ll do it with much content .. for in the next twenty four hours .. we’ll ask Him who guides us .. simply for .. the ability .. to accept and love others .. the way He has taught us to accept and love .. we’ll ask Him .. to free up our thinking and our feelings .. as well as .. the thinking and feelings of others .. from all forms of .. self-will .. self -centeredness .. dishonesty .. and .. deception .. for friends .. we’re all brothers and sisters in Christ .. oh yes .. we certainly need the freedom to make choices according to our own desires .. and .. in that freedom .. we’ll seek Him and His Spirit .. to inspire us .. to lead us .. and .. to guide us .. for we know .. there will be times of doubt and indecision along the way .. but the good news .. and .. what Bob and I hang on to .. is simply .. we know .. that we know .. that we know .. through it all .. He’ll be with us .. and that my friends .. IS .. His great promise of love to each and everyone of us .. so .. let’s get up .. and .. take on this new year .. one day at a time .. shining His light of love .. for friends .. it’s an awesome way to glow .. haha … oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“For once you were full of darkness .. but now you have light from the Lord .. So live as people of light!”

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