I love waking up on Thanksgiving day .. it’s not only a day when we get together and feast .. haha .. it’s a day when we really focus and express what we’re thankful for in our lives .. and yes .. with that we’ll find .. that yes .. being thankful compels us to fix our eyes on God rather than on ourselves .. it has a way of humbling us ..  it takes our minds off  our troubles and the anxieties we carry .. and yes .. simply reminds us that God will  always provide for our needs .. for the truth is .. feeling and expressing appreciation is good for us .. and yes .. like any wise Father .. He wants us to be thankful for all of the gifts that He’s given us .. haha .. for yes .. it’s always in our best interest to be reminded that everything we have is a gift from Him .. for friends .. without gratefulness we can become arrogant .. and yes .. self centered .. we can begin to believe that we have achieved everything on our own .. haha .. yes .. thankfulness keeps our hearts in the right relationship with the Giver of all good gifts .. it reminds of us of how much we really do have .. for it’s true .. when we focus on blessings rather than wants .. we’re happier people .. and yes .. it’s when we begin thanking Him for the things we usually take for granted .. haha .. our perspective changes .. and yes .. we come to understand that we simply would not exist without His merciful blessings .. yes sweet friends .. being thankful lifts our spirit .. and yes .. it brings us back to Love Himself .. and yes .. as we all well know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody .. Have a Blessed Day!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above .. coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights .. who does not change like shifting shadows”




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