Friends .. we need to remember one thing in life .. and yes .. it’s simply .. that our character should always be stronger than our circumstances .. oh yes .. we all make mistakes .. however .. as long as we accept responsibility for those mistakes while trying to make amends where we can .. we’ve done all we can do .. haha .. that’s right .. God didn’t put any of here to be someone else’s “blame” .. for no .. we can’t always control what happens to us .. but friends .. we can .. and yes .. we should .. control how we choose to respond .. for yes .. it’s in those glorious moments .. when we choose to stop complaining .. and yes .. give God thanks for all the good in our lives .. that those bad parts .. haha .. they start to seem much less significant .. for yes sweet friends .. all it takes is a choice .. and yes .. we can choose to keep a positive attitude along with a grateful heart .. no matter what we’re going through .. it’s that simple .. and yes .. it’s that easy .. for yes yes and again yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Rejoice always .. pray continually .. give thanks in all circumstances .. for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”

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