Friends .. as we move into this Thanksgiving week .. many will feel joyful and excited .. while many will feel anxious and sad .. for the truth is .. holidays .. haha .. they can be rough on some of us .. the remembrance of the past .. the times spent with family member who are now gone .. the loneliness we feel .. or yes .. even the painful memories of what we thought holidays were suppose to be .. but they weren’t .. haha .. a mixed bag of emotions we are .. they come and they go .. as we get older .. year after year .. we learn to deal with them a little better .. haha .. oh yes .. I know .. it’s not always easy to give thanks .. but friends .. it’s the very thing we need to do in order to see God’s will accomplished in our lives .. for yes .. this is how we move into that stomping ground of faith that serves us so well .. for the truth is .. Thanksgiving has great power to bring joy .. and yes .. to break the power the enemy has had over us for years .. for simply .. when we give thanks to Him .. who we love and trust .. despite the most difficult circumstances .. haha .. that old enemy .. he loses a big battle in our life .. for yes .. it’s when we give thanks in the middle of our difficulties .. we bring joy and pleasure to His heart .. for now .. we’ve learned to live in that dimension of praise and thanksgiving .. where the enemy .. haha .. simply no longer has the ability to hold or manipulate us .. bottom line .. he is defeated when we have a thankful heart .. simply because .. haha .. thankfulness during difficulty is a sacrifice that is pleasing to God .. so yes sweet friends .. thankfulness is our key to life .. the key that can turn any situation around .. all because .. it changes us .. it changes our outlook .. and yes .. it changes our attitude .. so .. yes yes yes .. there’s power in our thankful heart .. and yes .. again and again and again .. we simply find .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Be joyful always .. pray continually .. give thanks in all circumstances .. for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”


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