It’s finally here .. “Thanksgiving Day” .. the smell of turkey roasting in the air .. the anticipation of everyone getting together for a visit .. and .. oh yes .. that wonderful meal we’ve waited on .. all year long .. whether it be with family .. friends .. or .. alone .. we all anxiously await this day .. some with feelings of joy .. while others .. with feelings of loneliness .. haha .. I laugh only because .. there have been so many times in my life .. when I’ve felt that loneliness .. even in a room full of people .. we’ve all been there .. some where in time .. something has happened .. that has left us with a void .. an emptiness inside for a time gone by .. we’ve looked for ways to fill that emptiness .. but nothing earthly can take it away .. nope .. so .. what we must do .. and do .. and do .. when these feelings arise .. is simply .. open our eyes and remind ourselves of God’s bounty of gifts spread right out before us each day .. oh no .. we don’t ignore reality .. for we know .. a life grounded in gratitude faces misfortune and tragedy .. oh but .. also has .. that underlying faith that there is hope .. for you see sweet friends .. it’s gratefulness at this level that opens our hearts and assures our souls that He is with us in ways .. far beyond our imagination .. the certainty of His goodness .. along with His steadfast love .. simply feeds gratefulness so potent that it permeates our very selves .. which in turn .. simply .. transforms who we are .. so today .. we know .. without a doubt .. that no matter where we are .. we are not alone .. for He is with us .. and friends .. He serves as a constant resource in exploring the true meaning of gratitude .. three hundred and sixty five days a year .. haha .. that’s right .. He is the promise to a thankful life .. simply truth from a thankful heart .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Praise the Lord! .. Oh give thanks to the Lord .. for He is good .. for His steadfast love endures forever!”
Happy Thanksgiving Y’all!






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