I write about this a lot .. simply because .. it’s one of the hardest things I’ve had to learn .. but .. as I move through each day it becomes clearer to me .. that letting go .. simply does means.. to actual give up what is beyond our control to embrace .. what we can actually change .. haha .. friends .. it’s so true .. for years and years .. we people .. have had the tendency to hold on so tightly to the past .. that we actually miss .. the new things that God wants to show us .. and the truth is .. as hard as we’d like to .. we simply .. can’t control the past .. that’s right .. none of it .. haha .. however .. we can focus on .. the miracles that surround us today .. and no .. those words that once carved our hearts .. they’re said and done .. and yes .. totally out of our control .. but friends .. it’s today .. that we can replace them with His truth .. and yes .. although we know .. we can’t control the negative around us .. we can choose joy for ourselves .. haha .. no .. it’s not easy letting go in the beginning .. for simply .. it’s our human nature to want to hold on .. however .. what we can hang on to is hope .. for the truth is .. as we give up what we can’t control to embrace what we can change .. our thinking takes on a whole new shape and form .. that’s right .. all the way on down to our inner being .. haha .. and yes .. the beautiful bonus about all this “letting go” business .. it doesn’t just change us .. it has the power to change and reshape our next generation .. and .. the next after that .. haha .. for friends .. all we have to do is sit back and watch it happen .. no .. it’s not easy letting go .. it’s a daily struggle .. but .. when we do .. we’ll simply see .. the fruit it’s producing .. just as we see it .. in our sweet little blonde haired beauties as they chase PopBob and MiMi around the house singing .. “let it go let it go ” .. haha .. yes sweet friends .. again and again and again .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“So even to old age and gray hairs .. O God .. do not forsake me .. until I proclaim your might to another generation .. your power to all those to come”


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