Friends .. for whatever the reason the relationships we form with people as we travel our journey come and go .. oh yes .. we’ve all have those ones that we thought would last a lifetime .. however .. they’re now broken or lost .. and yes .. the wounds require loving care in order to heal .. simply because .. any close relationship requires letting go of idealistic expectations and unrealistic demands .. haha .. and yes .. sometimes we just need to let go .. for the truth is .. when we let go we’re able to grow .. and yes .. no matter which way if falls we must forgive .. for yes .. it’s the act that releases the other person .. and yes .. the only way for us to find that inner freedom we so desire .. and no sweet friends .. it’s not an option .. it’s a must .. bottom line .. when we forgive we’re able to realize just how much God has forgiven us .. and yes .. we’re able to see others’ failures with eyes of mercy .. and yes .. are able to see our own feelings of love .. anger .. bitterness .. and yes .. even vindictiveness realistically while investing in our own personal growth rather than dealing with something that’s dead .. yes friends .. we must always and forever look back at the good and reflect on the growth .. for we have a choice to become better or bitter .. let’s all simply choose the better .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which He walked”


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